Vision Statement
The Islamic Center of Conejo Valley (ICCV), located in Ventura County, California, is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is more than a place of worship. It is an organization of Muslim Americans that provides religious, educational and social services to its members, as well as to the community at large
The Islamic Center of Conejo Valley is one of the leading Islamic organizations in the Southern California area that aims to integrate Muslim-Americans into our pluralistic American society. This requires working in harmony with other faith groups and civic organizations to enhance our collective future. We promote Islam's celebration of life and its inclusive nature. We provide education and services that advance justice and promote compassion and freedom.
Since our opening , we have come to be known as an organization built on strong interfaith relations, cross-cultural understanding, and service to one and all. Ventura County Muslims of all ethnicity and backgrounds gather here to pray, socialize and learn. The larger community turns to us as a trusted source of accurate information on Islam and Muslims. Our doors are open to our friends and neighbors and many have returned several times.
The revival of Islam in our homes, our schools and our communities is necessary for the success of Muslims in this life and the next. Alhamdulillah, many Muslims in this country understand this and are striving to educate themselves and their children about Islam. InshaAllah, with their efforts the children will be able to do great dawah work in this country and carry out the mission of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
Mission Statement
The Islamic Center of Conejo Valley (ICCV) strives to practice and present Islam by providing religious, educational and social activities for the local community in Ventura County. Our goal is to develop and promote a socially responsible Muslim-American identity.
We support worthwhile social, educational and economic causes that help make a difference in people's lives and promote the well being of families and individuals.
The fundamental objective of ICCV and Ventura County Muslims is to seek Glory of Allah [SubhanahuWaTa’ala], our beloved Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessing be upon him), the Quran and Sunnah.
To contribute peacefully and democratically to the diversity and pluralism of the American Society.
Strengthen Our Relationships with Allah [SubhanahuWaTa'ala] , across our diverse ICCV community and with our greater American community.
Enhance Our Service Offerings in the areas of Religious, Outreach, Collaboration, and Social Services.
Raise ICCV’s Regional and National Profile through programs and services that reflect the practices of a professional Islamic Institution.
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2025
From Thousand Oaks area:
Take 101 N
Exit 70A for S. California Street
At the end of the exit ramp, left on S. California St.
Right on E. Harbor Blvd.
Left on Figueroa Street (which becomes Shoreline Dr.)
First right into Ventura County Fairgrounds entrance Then follow directions from ICCV parking staff into parking
area and to Santa Cruz Hall
Arrival time: 8:15 a.m.
Takbeer: 8:30 a.m.
Prayer & Khutba by Imam Shoyab
Light Refreshments: 9:45 a.m.