Upon the death of a loved one, many people have questions about funerals and funeral services.
The hardest thing you will ever have to do is to say goodbye to someone you love or care for. However, as Muslims we should accept the ultimate and submit to the wish of Allah (SubhanahuWaTa'ala) our Creator, with patience; and pray for mercy and forgiveness for the deceased.
Please contact IMAM SHOAYB @ 805-499-2106 or 805-410-2777 as your first point of contact for all funeral service and support during this difficult time. Our Imam will coordinate everything for you working with ICCV funeral committee
Burial Plot from ICCV:
Note: If you buy directly from Conejo Mountain Funeral Home :
Mortuary Cost
Total Mortuary Cost: $5255
Interment Cost:
Please take the following steps:
Alhamdulillah, ICCV has a team of caring volunteers to assist you with the funeral arrangement.
May Allah (SubhanahuWaTa'ala) strengthen your family during this difficult time, Ameen.
In the best interest of the local community, the Islamic Center of Conejo Valley has purchased multiple burial plots at Conejo Mountain Funeral Home at a discounted price.
These plots are available for sale and can be transferred back to ICCV in the future if you do not need them (i.e., for example if you are moving out of the area and want to sell back to ICCV).
If you would like to know more about ICCV's Janazah (funeral) services, please contact us using the below Form.
For Immediate need call us @ 805-499-2106
or Contact Imam Shoayb :
Imam Shoayb Mohammed: 805-410-2777 (Lead)
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2025
From Thousand Oaks area:
Take 101 N
Exit 70A for S. California Street
At the end of the exit ramp, left on S. California St.
Right on E. Harbor Blvd.
Left on Figueroa Street (which becomes Shoreline Dr.)
First right into Ventura County Fairgrounds entrance Then follow directions from ICCV parking staff into parking
area and to Santa Cruz Hall
Arrival time: 8:15 a.m.
Takbeer: 8:30 a.m.
Prayer & Khutba by Imam Shoyab
Light Refreshments: 9:45 a.m.